Bring others JAPPIINESS as we do what we LOVE

At Japi, we like to think of a collab as the matching of intangible values between the collaborators, a shared vision. What those values are we seldom truly know, but when we all feel Japi, we know we’ve found it.

Such has been the experience for us at Japi with Jen Carlos Canela. Jen represents a series of values that we hold dear to our core brand identity, the spirit of giving without expectation.To bring others JAPPIINESS as we do what we LOVE. This shared vision lays the foundation to the distinct elements of this design. Images and concepts that ring true to Jen’s life experience amidst the creative strokes of our artistic team. 

We Hope you enjoy “My Japi Place” a true representation of the things that inspire Jen, JAPIFIED..

The Collection